These slides contain a summary of some personal projects from March 13, 2015 to March 13, 2016.

In particular, the personal projects covered in the slides are:

  • recursive closed form finder
  • KnowledgeTools
  • Fermi V4-11
  • ImageCreation V2-5
  • QAAS (Question Asking and Answering Storage)
  • Abstract Government Substructure Optimization
  • QuickReader + MemoryTools
  • Random Attraction simulation
  • Double Infection simulation
  • Image Entropy (early work)
  • LinkSaver
  • MindMap V1&2
  • Stopwatch
  • Playlists
  • Optimal Golomb Ruler Finder
  • Semicontinuous Cellular Automata

Most of these projects arguably deserve a dedicated post and further exploration.